Friday, March 2, 2012

The GM Diet: Day 3

Starting Weight:                134.0
Morning of Day Two:        132.0
Morning of Day Three:     131.0

  • I weigh in the morning before I eat/drink anything.
Day 3:
     A mixture of fruits and vegetables of your choice. Any amount, any quantity. No bananas yet. No potatoes today.

     Day Three eliminates the potato because you get your carbohydrates from the fruits. You system is now prepared to start burning excess pounds. You will still have cravings which should start to diminish by day four.
-copied and pasted from

     Yesterday was horrible. It was the hardest day. I was grumpy and I had this horrible after-taste of carrots in my mouth that made me want to choose to be hungry over eating. But I forced some veggies down anyway! This morning I felt great. My husband called and woke me up at 7 a.m. when he got off work (hard workin' man he is) and I had no reason to get out of bed before 9. I should have gone back to bed but I didn't. I didn't even stay in bed while I was on the phone! I love this getting out of bed when I wake up thing.

     For breakfast and lunch I ate ginormous bowls of frozen mango, pineapple, raspberries, blueberries and strawberries. For anybody up here in North Dakota, you know how hard it is to get any kind of good fresh fruit up in this place!

     I cheated. I ate almost 1/4 cup of Chex Mix. I feel horrible about it. So horrible in fact, that I stole a handful or two of unbuttered popcorn from my three year old. I am going to get on my elliptical tonight and burn 200 calories. Hopefully that will cancel that out :(   It probably won't and I've probably ruined this entire diet/cleanse but oh well. I guess my self control isn't where it should be. Is anybody perfect out there with food though? No. And if they say they are.... they are either an A. liar or B. a crazy person. Either way, they are people you want to steer clear of.

     For dinner I ate a plate full of steamed veggies. This included carrots, asparagus, yellow squash, cauliflower and red onion. I loved it. I was dreading it because I was still sick of the slimey bites I had the day before. But, I really enjoyed them. I enjoyed having choices today. How selfish are we these days!? I can't imagine living somewhere where you eat rats that were caught in the fields every. single. day. (watched on Discovery Channel). I will probably snack on some pineapple later.

     Today was awesome. I felt like a new person. I was positive, cheery and happy! I was less shy and more outgoing. I went to a play group I haven't gone to in forever. I didn't completely shut down and feel stupid. I felt a little out of place but that's always the case when going somewhere with new people or people you haven't been around in forever. I posted my experience and pictures onto and got some awesome responses. I got a ton of messages expressing how I was an encouragment to them. It made me feel superb! I love feeling like I have "my own" inspiration instead of trying to find it in others. I think it's helping me finally find "who I am". I know who I am inside but have always been too insecure and afraid to show who I truly am. But this is probably also just knowing I have a great group of girlfriends who are nothing but supportive, kind and honest (hollaaaaaa girlfriends!!!!). And an awesome husband :)  I am loving this new life and I'm not sure where it's coming from but I do know that I no longer want to hide. I want to meet new people, talk to people, help people, just overall be a better person and encourage and support as many people as I can.

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