Monday, February 27, 2012

How I Became a Figment of my Former Self

     "Kelsey, you look great! You are a just a figment of your former self". This was one of the most important compliments I recieved when I started to lose weight. It embarassed me that somebody who had only seen me a couple times realized how different I looked. Could I really have been THAT bad!?

BEFORE 188 lbs.

AFTER 133 lbs.

     How did I do it? I feel like people don't believe me when I tell them that all I have done is eat right and exercise. It's really not THAT hard. I started losing weight in December 2010. I was just sick and tired of being fat. I was lazy, unmotivated, grumpy and all around just a lousy person to be around. I never wanted to be productive and my idea of accomplishing something was finishing a 16oz Rib Eye a large loaded down baked potato and a gallon of sweet tea a day (I once bragged about it, yuck). No problem finishing it though so I really wasn't accomplishing anything. All I did was lay on the couch and eat gross food. I felt like crap.
     I had tried dieting and exercise before but I always backslid and would give up because I wasn't getting instant results. I am proud to say that since December 2010 I have not gained weight at all. Sure, there were a couple months where I would sit at the same weight without losing but that really didn't bother me too bad. I think that losing the weight slowly has helped me to keep it off. Instead of doing the who yo-yo diet/exercise thing I have just been slow and steady and winning the race. Sure, I could have done it faster and had better results but the truth is, I'm pretty lazy. I like good grilled meat and ice cream. And I really don't enjoy working out every second of the day.
     At first, my exercise routine consisted of working out twice a day. I would burn 600 calories a day. I was dropping weight like crazy. I have an elliptical in my living room and I wasn't able to comfortably sit on the couch and watch TV without feeling guilty that I should be working out instead all while watching TV. Yes, I know how lazy that sounds. I cut my workout time in half but still burned 600 calories eventually when I had built up stamina. I did Insanity for 40 days and then realized I hated doing it so I switched back to lazy ellipticalling and restricted food. Now, I have been doing the Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I really enjoy the work out and get great results. And it's only about 25 minutes long. Ohhhh yea.
     I think I have FINALLY figured out a healthy food lifestyle that makes it easy for me to keep the weight off/lose a pound here and there. I limit myself to around 1200 calories a day and fill those with fruit/veggies/lean meats. I don't drink empty calories. I haven't had sweet tea or Diet Pepsi in months. Water and black coffee only. Luckily for me, I LOVE all things healthy. Raw veggies, fruits being my favorite. What I love even more is being able to sit down and eat as MUCH as I want of those things and be just fine. Frozen mango, pineapple, blueberries are my absolute favorite food and I will eat it until I feel sick! I love egg whites and try to eat 4 a day. Usually a scrambled egg white with veggie pita pocket for breakfast and an egg sandwich for dinner (if Sammy isn't home). I can't get enough of it. I have found foods that have high calories and found subsitutes that are HALF the calories but no different taste.
     I love how I feel. I am a much better wife and mother now. I feel proud of the hard work it has taken and every time I resist temptation. Besides, sometimes it's fun being a little stuck up about it. "No thanks, I don't want an omelet and hashbrowns. Can I please have some oatmeal and raisins". Haha, I feel like a super loser but it makes me sit up a bit straighter and have a bigger smile on my face knowing how good I feel walking out of a restaurant without 5 extra pounds of fat attached to my waist. Knowing that I won't feel like I HAVE to work out that night.
     A good friend asked me, "Do you think you will ever be completely satisfied with your weightloss/how you look?". And I've been thinking about it the past couple days. The answer, no. Without plastic surgery I probably couldn't be 100% happy (Just being honest MOM!). The parts of my body that I hated when I weighed 188 lbs are the same body parts that I hate at 133 lbs. But at least now, I don't dwell on it. I am not embarassed of how I look and am actually excited for bathing suit time! I won't have to wear jeans all summer and I can go out in public confident and comfortable in my own skin.
     I don't really know how much farther I want to go in this weight loss journey but I am excited that I am way past my goal of 155 lbs. I am somewhere I never thought I could be and I am so proud of myself.

STATS        STARTING                       NOW                          TOTAL LOST
Weight         188 lbs.                               133 lbs.                        55 lbs.
Waist            38"                                      26"                              12"
Hips              45"                                      36"                               9"
Pant Size      14                                        4/6                                  

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