Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Lovin' Life as His Oilfield Wife

Playgroup. Tioga, ND

     Every Tuesday and Thursday from 9:30 am- 11:30 am. there is a playgroup in Tioga. I love it there. The kids love it. Tomorrow, we are going to the pool in Stanley. It's awesome! Everybody is so warm and friendy and it's fun to just hang out while the kids play.

     I am so thankful for this "oilfield life" we are living. I'm able to take my kids to playgroups and hang out with friends any time. Thanks to my hardworking husband (hollaaaaaa). Thanks to him and his hard work I am able to have a pretty great life. My biggest decisions are... What color to paint my nails? Should I curl my hair or try a new up-do? To put Caralee in skinny jeans or not? To walk or drive to get mail? Thanks to my lover for making my life as stress free and awesome as it is!

      I love the people I have met. I've met people from Arkansas, Alabama, Louisiana, California, Alaska, Montana, Texas, Mexico and so many other places. I love hearing their stories, why they are here, what their future plans are. All of these women who move around following the work are great. They aren't into "cliques" and they know how hard it is to fit in. Money doesn't matter. You may make $300k a year and live in a fifth wheel. You can make $100k and live in a house. It just doesn't matter. Nobody judges you on where you live/what you live in. Money doesn't make you better. You are here for the same reason everybody else is. You are just as "oilfield trash" as the next person (with the exception of the serious troublemakers and losers). I love it, I love not feeling like I have to have the best house, best car, best clothes, perfect yard or exclusive group of friends. It is SO laid back. It's a great life and I hope we are able to be part of the "oilfield" life as long as possible.


  1. Thanks for posting this. My husband and I have a contract on a house in Stanley, and if all goes as planned, I will be moving there in mid-May.

    Thanks for your perspective - it makes the move from DC a little less scary.

  2. Kathleen- Do you have any kids!? Stanley is pretty big so surely you will meet some people. There is probably a few groups to join and activities as well. Good luck on your move! :)
